
How BioStrong Helped Bernie

How BioStrong Helped Bernie

Bernie was one of BioStrong's first clients in January and has been using the BioStrong system consistently since then. Bernie was originally diagnosed with osteoporosis or low bone density and wanted to find an alternative way to treat osteoporosis without medication. We are very excited to see the strength improvements Bernie has had not only to her osteoporosis but also her balance and back pain. Also, we are looking forward to her DEXA scan results and seeing what her T Score is in December.

How BioStrong can help you

Like Bernie, if you are experiencing the symptoms of osteoporosis, our experts are here to help you. We use osteogenic loading exercises, which has been scientifically proven to slow down and even reverse the effects that aging has on the strength and balance of our musculoskeletal systems. These exercises are able to provide these benefits without the use of drugs. To facilitate this we make use of the bioDensity machines that uses osteogenic loading to stimulate the body's ability to rebuild bones. It can also help you body grow stronger and prevent bone fractures.

Many people do not know if they are losing bone density until they break a bone. We are also able to perform a bone density scan using DEXA. This is part of our complimentary session, which you can book for FREE. This orientation session will mean you will know your T-Score so you know how likely you are to break a bone. Book your free session today!

By BioStrong | Jul 25, 2022 |




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It starts with an initial appointment to discuss your medical history, main health concerns and expectations of BioStrong therapy.

We will help you assess whether a program can help your condition and discuss the details of treatment.

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