Research Studies

Case Studies

bioDensity A1C Study – April 2019

Researchers study what changes training on bioDensity has on older diabetics. The subjects are elderly Chinese patients that also have type 2 diabetes. They in fact use progressive resistance training and osteogenic loading.

Biodensity and Power Plate Springpoint study – February 2016

This study also focuses on how bioDensity helps elderly patients. It also looks at how power plate whole-body vibration affects adults from ages 65 to 90. They study how the strength, balance and also independence change for the subjects.

bioDensity A1c improvement study – June 2016

A pilot study looks at how bioDensity then affects HbA1C. They focus on osteogenic loading resistance exercises, for example, bioDensity. They also hold the study over a twenty-four-week period. The subjects of the study are pre-type 2 diabetics and are also aged between 40 to 92.

bioDensity Study – Bone Mass Results over 24 week period – May 2015

For this study, researchers look at how bioDensity changes bone mass density (BMD). The study focuses on postmenopausal women and is also done over a 24 week period.


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